Hello Weronika, I read your post and if you don't have teammates jet I would like to work with you.
I'm Patricia and I'm from Spain, I study Art History there, and I'm here for erasmus; I'm really interested in films studies, so I found very interesting that this is one of your fields of study, and in the other hand I'm really interested in photography too, so when I read this I thought that it could be really nice to work with you.
In relation with the questions that you exposed, I feel the same, I've been studying art history for three years already, and I feel like women are left out in relation with art in my experience, so I would love to look all this things out.
And finally, you exposed the idea of Belarus, I don't have any idea of the situation in relation with women, so that could be an opportunity for me to get to know what's really happening with this aspects.
If you're interested you can text me or email me, +34661565867 or patbalag@ucm.es
Thanks and best regards,