- Teacher: Ondřej Fúsik
- Teacher: Jindřich Marek
- Teacher: Jana Šindlerová
- Teacher: Josef Šlerka
- Teacher: Michaela Slussareff
- Teacher: Ondřej Tichý
- Teacher: Hana Goláňová
Introduction to Text Corpora and Their Applications
Text corpora have recently become an indispensable part of research in humanities/social sciences, primarily in linguistics. They can serve both as a theoretical basis and as a rich source of data. The primary objective of this course is to give an overview of their applications in various disciplines, including lexicology, language teaching, translation studies, but also literary science, discourse studies or forensic linguistics. Students will learn both theoretically and practically about the characteristics of a text corpus, incl. corpus design and annotation, types of corpora and their purpose. The following topics will also be covered in the course: representativeness of data, quantitative methods in linguistics, incl. basic statistical measures, multilingual corpora, corpus tools and possible limitations in corpus-based research.
The course belongs to the area Exchange - 09.3 Linguistics, and is suitable for Erasmus students.
- Teacher: Lucie Lukešová
Kurz pro všechny, kteří se chtějí seznámit s korpusy Českého národního korpusu a současně zabrousit i do dat zpřístupňovaných pro němčinu: DeReKo a další budou zmíněny, k práci s nimi ovšem stačí pouze základní znalost německého jazyka. Nabyté dovednosti práce s různými korpusy jsou obecně platné, kurz je proto vhodný jak pro obecné lingvisty, tak pro překladatele, germanisty i bohemisty.
- Teacher: Olga Richterová