Osnova sekce

  • The final grade shall be a composite of preparatory activity (10%), class participation (10%), presentation (30%) and final exam (50%). Preparatory activity shall consist in the successful completion of brief tests on reading assigned to the entire class (A and/or B). These tests must be completed by the due date indicated in the Moodle. Presentation (10 minutes) shall consist of a critical overview of one other piece of reading (Ax or Bx) and linking it to the argument of the reading to which it is linked in the syllabus. The assignment of presentations to be prepared by students shall be done during the introductory session. (No presentations are scheduled for this session.) Handouts (1 page) are to be prepared and sent to ditrych@fsv.cuni.cz by the presenting student by email at least one day in advance. The final exam will take the form of a submitted research paper (2,000 words, excluding references). Students are expected to use relevant secondary literature to support their argument and follow all standards of academic writing when preparing their paper. They may choose one of the following topics and submit the paper by January 16, 2023:

    1)         Explore the subject of hybrid forms of war from a critical perspective. What is (not) new about it, and how is the presumed novelty of the threat framed in securitisation narratives?

    2)         How is terrorism different today from twenty years ago? Explore the evolution of the phenomenon from the critical perspectives.

    3)         Provide a comparative analysis of two cases of rebel governance and state’s responses to it, drawing on current literature on the subject.


    In line with Opatření děkanky 17/2018, the following grading scale is used:

    91% and more                        A

    81-90%                                   B

    71-80%                                   C

    61-70%                                   D

    51-60%                                   E

    0-50%                                     F

    Attendance is mandatory, but allowance is made for absence of no more than two sessions, one of which must be the introductory session. Students who miss the introductory session are requested to contact the lecturer without delay at ditrych@fsv.cuni.cz to arrange the distribution of class assignments. Students are furthermore requested to report their absence in the other sessions in advance.