Osnova sekce

    • (A) Ditrych, Ondrej. 2013. From Discourse to Dispositif: States and Terrorism between Marseille and 9/11. Security Dialogue 44(3).

           (Ax1) Duyvesteyn, Isabelle. 2004. How New is the New Terrorism. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 27(5).

           (Ax2) Stampnitzky, Lisa. 2013. Disciplining Terror: How Experts Invented ‘Terrorism’. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pp. 21-48).

           (Ax3) Molin Friis, Simone. 2015. ‘Beyond Anything We Have Ever Seen’: Beheading Videos and the Visibility of Violence in the War against ISIS. International Affairs 91(4).

      (B) Reid, Julian. 2005. The Biopolitics of the War on Terror: A Critique of the ‘Return of Imperialism’ Thesis in International Relations. Third World Quaterly 26(2).

           (Bx1) Debrix, Francois and Alexander D. Barder. 2009. Nothing to Fear but Fear: Governmentality and the Biopolitical Production of Terror. International Political Sociology 3(4).

           (Bx2) Wilcox, Lauren. 2017. Embodying Algorithmic War: Gender, Race and the Posthuman in Drone Warfare. Security Dialogue 48(1).

           (Bx3) Grayson, Kyle and Jocelyn Mawdsley. Scopic Regimes and the Visual Turn in International Relations Seeing World Politics Through the Drone. European Journal of International Relations (online first).

    • A brief test on the assigned reading. Please complete the test by 10 p.m. on Nov. 2, 2022. (The test will be available for completion from 12 a.m.)