Section outline

    • (A) Cohn, Carol and Cynthia Enloe. 2003. A Conversation with Cynthia Enloe: Feminists Look at Masculinity and the Men Who Wage War. SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 28(4).

           (Ax1) Coe, Kevin et al. 2007. Masculinity as Political Strategy: George W. Bush, the “War on Terrorism,” and an Echoing Press. Journal of Women, Politics and Policy 29(1).

           (Ax2) Hansen, Lene. 2001. Gender, Nation, Rape: Bosnia and the Construction of Security. International Feminist Journal of Politics 3(1).

           (Ax3) Eichler, Maya. 2011. Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription, and War in Post-Soviet Russia. Stanford: Stanford University Press (pp. 1-14).

           (Ax4) Wilcox, Lauren. 2009. Gendering the Cult of the Offensive. Security Studies 18(2).

    • A brief test on the assigned reading. Please complete the test by 10 p.m. on Nov. 30, 2022. (The test will be available for completion from 12 a.m.)