Section outline

    • Dear students,

      essays will be submitted via MOODLe in the Corona course and you will learn the information in time.

    • During each semester two credit tests are to be written.

      The test for first and second test will take place at the address: U Nemocnice 4, 128 00 Praha 2  (the building of libery opposite at the Departure of the Pathophysiology). The instractions for summer semester will be take to webside at the begining before summer semester.

      - bring your student ID card or index to verity your identity

      - when you write test you will know your username and password to Central authorization system (CAS) UK, this username and password is same at SIS.

      The tests are “multiple choice”. Each test contains 20 questions and at least one answer is correct for each question. Individual answers are evaluated separately. Student receives a point for each correct answer with maximum of 100 percent for each question. To pass the credit test limit is one of the criteria for pathophysiology credit at the end of the semester (see Limits at the bottom of the page and Credit requirements for individual semesters on the following pages). Time limit for the test is 25 min.  Count down is started when you start the test. When time expires your open attempts are submitted automatically.

      Students who cannot attend the credit test seminar (illness or other serious excuses) can take the test during scheduled alternative test dates within two weeks from the test week. Students have to sign for alternative test dates. Contact: .


      Credit test limit > 70 % (in each test of the semester)

      Exam test limit > 70 %

    • Test instructions

    • List of the credit tests

    • Test 2: Respiration, Kidney, Internal environment

      Test 3: Gastrointestinal tract and general pathophysiology (e.g. inflammation reaction, immunity defects, cancerogenesis, regeneration, reparation, .....)

      Test 4: Endocrine system and nervous system