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Philosophy, Economics and Politics: Current Debates (2020)
Faculty of Social Science
Institute of Economic Studies
Philosophy, Economics and Politics: Current Debates (2020)
Topic 4
03TheGame (updated teams)
03TheGame (updated teams)
Completion requirements
03TheGame (2).pdf
link to view the file.
◄ EU GHG emission statistics
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Forum and announcements
JEM211 Syllabus and Guidelines 2020
WEF The Net Zero Challenge
JPM Risky business the climate and the macroeconomy 2020-01-14 3230707.pdf
Debate 1 - Nordhaus 2018 - The Two-Degree Delusion - The Dangers of an Unrealistic Climate Change Target
Debate 2 - Morgan 2018 - Don’t Abandon the Paris Temperature Target - Now Is Not the Time for Climate Defeatism
Debate 3 - Nordhaus 2018b The Truth abou tthe Two Degree Target - Why It Hasns Helped Mitigate Climate Change
Presentation for Session 3 - Fullscreen Slides
Presentation for Session 3 - Handout
Energy Transition Commission (2018) - Mission Possible
The Royal Society - Greenhouse Gas Removal
World Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 2016 - Interactive Chart
Climatewatch dynamic GHG charts
EU GHG emission statistics
IMF FIscal Monitor 2019: How to mitigate climate change
Bohringer Impact of Carbon Tariffs
WEF Explorative Widget - Global Value Chains under pressure
Gillingham & Stock (2018) - The Cost of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Session IV: Vilem's slides - GVC, trade and CO2 - fullscreen slides
Session IV: Vilem's slides - GVC, trade and CO2 - handout
Ferrarini & de Vries (2020): What Accounts for the Growth of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Advanced and Emerging Economies? The Role of Consumption, Technology, and Global Supply Chain Trade
Link to a shared folder with recordings of the lecture
European Green Deal
Proposal - European Climate Law
European Climate Law - Press Release
Proposal - Just Transition Fund (supplementary)
Verhofstadt (2013) More Europe is the solution (supplementary)
Slides - brief comment by Vilem
Economist (2019): The EU’s Green Deal is full of ambition but needs more detail
Economist (2020): Minority report - who will kill the EU Green Deal
Policy Preference Map
Position paper
Position Paper European Parliament
EP presentation
Position Paper Poland.docx (1)
Presentation Poland
Germany position paper - final
EC Statement
Presentation of the EC Proposal
Current Debates - Germany
Position Paper - Sweden
Review of position papers
Voting: Position paper
Review of EP PP
Polands review by Parliament (1)
Review of Germanys PP
Przegląd dokumentu przedstawiającego stanowisko Komisji Europejskiej (1)
EC Disassembling of the Swedish Position
Policy proposal
Interesting recent texts on climate action: Nordhaus 2000 - The Climate Club
Policy Proposal - Germany
Policy proposal - EC
Policy Proposal - Sweden
Propozycja polska
Policy Proposals Germany
EC Policy Proposal (1)
Policy proposal Sweden
Poland Proposal Presentation
Review of policy proposals
Voting: Policy proposal
Germany reviews EC
EC Review Poland
Poland reviews Sweden
Sweden reviews Germany
Final Deal
D’Angelo & Ranalli (2019): The Dark Side of Sunlight - How Transparency Helps Lobbyists and Hurts the Public
Personal assessment (Short essay)
W. Nordhaus (2019): Climate Change: The Ultimate Challenge for Economics
How Transparency Helps Lobbyists and Hurts the Public
Nordhaus: Nordhaus: Climate Clubs and Carbon Pricing
Paper - The Dark Side of Sunlight
Pihl (2020) - A Climate Club as a complementary design to the UN Paris agreement
A Negotiation Preparation Checklist (Hardward Law Review)
Climate action: the latest target of Europe's fossil fuel lobbyists
Vilem's slides - handout
03ProblemsWithClimatePolicies ►