A is for App
Section outline
This storage presents materials developed and produced as a part of the AisforApp project by the Czech partners in a structured way. Our team developed this internal platform to support all materials as a part of the project final report.
Partners in concrete
Univerzita Karlova-Fakulta humanitních studií (Faculty of Humanitites, Charles University)
Dyscentrum (non-governmental organization for individuals with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities, their parents, teachers, other educators, employers)
Základní škola Zeleneč (primary school Zelenec, state funded)
This section presents materials related to the preparation of the Stakeholder strategy. We were using the list of stakeholders throughout the project to communicate important statements or outputs.
As a part of this O activities, CZ team developed questionnaire to describe actual reality in using educational (resp. Reading fluency apps) in school and school counselling practice. Results of this questionnaire show very limited (almost non-existing) knowledge and practice of CZ practitioners within the area of the digital tools to support reading fluency.
This section contains all materials related to the development and produce of Teacher toolkit.
A tool to share various points and tips to help teacher´s digital tools, resp. apps to help reading fluency development.
This section provides a structured presentation of all materials used to collect data with a Karaton Pilot study in our partner school (Zelenec and Poznavani). Those are mainly psychometric measures used to monitor the quality of reading fluency and reading-related skills to assess the onset level of pupils' reading.
Generally, where possible our teams used tests from the MABEL comprehensive test battery ( www.eldel-mabel.net ), for meeasures of attention and cognitive skills other measures available in Czech language were used.
This is how the test battery was administered: some test were administered withing a group settings, some test were administered individually to each pupil.
Group administration Individual administration Picture word matching -very early reading (Spojování obrázků a slov -MABEL) One minute reading - reading fluency (Rychlé čtení slov na jednu minutu, MABEL) Test of vidual attention (Test pozornosti) Phoneme awareness Phoneme deletion I. (Elize počáteční hlásky MABEL) RAN_ Rapind naming objects (RAN- obrázky; MABEL) Phoneme awareness Phoneme deletion II. (Elize koncové hlásky MABEL) One minute reading - reading fluency (Rychlé čtení pseudoslov na jednu minutu, MABEL) Attention- Numeric sequences (Číselné řady) -
This section is devoted to various materials related to the development and translation of the manual being used in school when starting to work with Karaton.
This is where we log into CZ pilot version of Karaton.
Link to see all the audio files recorded, cutted, edited and accomodated for Karaton CZapp:
1) files containing all 1, 2, 3 and 4syllable words used fot CZ Karaton
Here we present final format of the Literacy Curriculum Framework - a guide to use gamification and digital tools to enhance reading fluency development.
This sections provides various outputs developed throughout the final stages of the project to address main issues relating the implementation of Karaton (App adopted ionto CZ) into the practice of primary schools in Czech republic.