Section outline

    • NEW Final Examination Test Тест


      Exam test and its conditions:

      1. Students are enrolled on the dates for writing the test via the SIS. The test opens only for the temporary time required to write the test, and access to it is limited by a password that students learn just before writing tests. Entrance to the computer classroom will be only allowed for registered students, teachers will check their identity according to the study card, ISIC cards.
      2. Entrance to the classroom is only allowed with mobile phones off and any other communication devices off. Simply turning off the ringtone is not enough!
      3. No aids (calculators, papers, workbooks, etc ...) are allowed
      4. Do not disturb or communicate with others or leave the room. Cribbing your colleague′s test will be considered as cheating.
      5. Students may not use/open other websites or programs/applications other than test pages, history will be monitored continuously and backwards for individual computers/students.
      6. After completing the test and logging out of MOODLE students will sit in their places, not allowed to switch on mobiles, etc., leave the classroom only at the instruction of supervising teacher.
      7. Evaluation of the test:
        • excellent 22-25 points
        • very good 18-21.99 points
        • good 15-17.99 points
        • failed <15 points

      In the event of any violation of the above rules or other attempts at fraudulent behavior, the student test will be immediately terminated with the result of failure and this attempt will be reported to the dean of the faculty who proposes to initiate disciplinary proceedings with the student. By entering the test, you agree to the above conditions.