Test instractions

-  The test is accessible in the Moodle system on website: http://www.dl1.cuni.cz as a part of the respective course or you can use a link to the course in the section List of the credit tests under these instructions

- login to the Moodle with the same password and username that you use in CAS (the information system)

- click on the course name and enter the course (you have already been assigned in this course)

- click on the test name and get into the test page

- click on Attempt quiz now

- insert a quiz password than you will be given in the test room 

- click on Start attempt

- the test has 20 questions

- the test has a 25-min time limit, the timer is running during your attempt to pass the test, you can see the timer in the Test Navigation section. When the time limit expires the test will be automatically closed, unless you finish the test earlier.

- every question can be answered by one or more correct answers

- every question is shown on its own separate page

- you are allowed to come back to previous questions

- the correct answer should be marked by checking the appropriate box 

- after marking the correct answers you should click on Next page to move to the next question

- after answering the last question click on Finish attempt

- next click on Submit all and finish

- After finishing the attempt you will see your marks and a grade (the percentage of correct answers).

 - you will receive a mark for every completely correctly answered question. 

- in case of a partial correctness of the answer, the relevant proportion is deducted from the mark based on the number of correct answers (and their share in the total profit of 100% per question)

- it is necessary to gain at least 60% grade to pass the test

- your attempt will be saved in the system, made accessible to your teachers and archived for the whole time of your studies at the First medical faculty of the Charles University 

- all your activity in the system is monitored and can be retroactively displayed, do not perform any other activities in the system except attempting the test

- If an improper behaviour is noticed during the attempt to pass the test, the test will be closed, it will be seen as failed and you will have to pass an oral exam with your group teacher.

- click on Attempt quiz now and pass the test


Modifié le: vendredi 27 septembre 2019, 15:36