Section outline
Introduction to the fundamentals of case study design, typology, paradigmatic approaches, interactions and overlaps with other qualitative methods.
Compulsory Reading (59pp):
- Gray, David E. 2004. Doing Research in the Real World. Los Angeles: Sage, 123-151 (Chapter 6 Designing Case Studies).
- George, Alexander L., and Andrew Bennett. 2005. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 355-356, 388-389, 405-406, 415-422 (Appendix with Case Study applications).
- Yazan, Bedrettine. 2015. “Three Approaches to Case Study Methods in Education: Yin, Merriam, and Stake”. The Qualitative Report 20(2), 134-152.
Recommended Reading (19pp):
Gerring, John. 2005. Case Study Research: Principles and Practices. CUP, 17-36 (Chapter 2)