Section outline

    • Read the text, work with the vocabulary, proceed as usual. Prepare for discussion. 

    • Listen to the first 11 min 50 sec of the  podcast, which concerns spotting fake news. Take notes, proceed as usual.

    • Please read up on the theory, do the activities and check with the key. Ask any questions you might have during our interactive session. There is also a unit on vocabulary - on the Media, so connected with our topic this week. Please do these, too.

    • Task:

      listen to the ted talk and take-notes. Even if you think you have a good memory, it's good to take notes: remember, you're not only listening to have an idea of the content but in order to work on your language skills. Thus, please do the following:

      1) Listen more than once if necessary. DO NOT USE  THE SUBTITLES at first.

      2) If you have problems understanding, go back and listen again to a probelamtic part (with no subtitles). If you really don't understand, listen again with the subtitles on. Then turn them off and listen to it again.

      3) While listening take notes of ideas and vocabulary. Write down not only the expressions you haven't been acquainted with, but those that are not part of your active vocabulary, even if you have no difficulty understanding.

      4) Write 5 vocabulary items into our googledoc.

      5) Prepare for the in-class discussion.

    • Task:

      listen to the ted talk and take-notes. Even if you think you have a good memory, it's good to take notes: remember, you're not only listening to have an idea of the content but in order to work on your language skills. Thus, please do the following:

      1) Listen more than once if necessary. DO NOT USE  THE SUBTITLES at first.

      2) If you have problems understanding, go back and listen again to a probelamtic part (with no subtitles). If you really don't understand, listen again with the subtitles on. Then turn them off and listen to it again.

      3) While listening take notes of ideas and vocabulary. Write down not only the expressions you haven't been acquainted with, but those that are not part of your active vocabulary, even if you have no difficulty understanding.

      4) Write 5 vocabular items into our googledoc.

      5) Prepare for the inclass discussion. What is it about? What is your reaction to the video? Do you think it would be possible to reform schools in this direction? What would the challenges be? Etc. 

    • Write an essay related to the topic of education. If you have no ideas of your own, use any of the topics suggested below. If you choose your own topic, remember to formulate it. Do not write more than 250 words. Please see features of the academic style (a topic in this moodle course), before you write.


      1) Students would benefit more from home education, since they could focus on their individual needs. Discuss.

      2) Despite good innovative ideas on education. it is impossible to introduce these on a mass scale for a number of reasons. Present your opinion.

      3) The role of the school is not to convey knowledge, but to raise good citizens. Discuss.

    • 1) Listen to the ted talk without subtitles. Take notes. Remember: the goal is not only to remember the content, but also to work on your language, so I recommend making detailed notes, even if you think you'll remember everything. 

      2) If you have difficulty understanding anything - listen again to the problematic part (NO SUBTITLES), if you really don't understand after a few times, turn the subtitles on and check. Then listen again without the subtitles to see if it's clear this time.

      3) Write down 7-10 phrases - new to you, or not in your active vocabulary (which means, you understand the phrase, but you never use it yourself)

      4) Take notes of terminology relating to gender issues.

      4) Practice speaking aloud before class - to yourself, your cat/dog (pets are wonderful listeners! While speaking aloud make sure you use the phrases you have noted down.

    • 1) Do the activities and check your answers with the key. - Spend 10 min per task approximately. (Max 15 min). 

      2) See your mistakes, find out why. If there are any words/phrases you don't understand - translate with a dictionary (but NOT GOOGLE TRANSLATOR). A good one is Google dictionary, but it's not the same as google translator. 

      3) If you still have difficulty, ask in class. 

    • Please continue with the tenses: - activities from this moodle course.

    • When correcting the sentences or doing transformations, please write the whole sentence. 

      Good luck.