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Open course index
Prezervace a restaurování filmu
Section outline
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Select activity Oznámení
Select section Povinné texty
Povinné texty
Select activity Matuszewski, B.: Nový historický pramen (Iluminace)
Matuszewski, B.: Nový historický pramen (Iluminace)
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity Enticknap, Leo: Why Do Films Need to Be Restored? (s. 17 - 44)
Enticknap, Leo: Why Do Films Need to Be Restored? (s. 17 - 44)
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Select activity Wallmüller, Julia: Criteria for the Use of Digital Technology in Moving ImageRestoration
Wallmüller, Julia: Criteria for the Use of Digital Technology in Moving ImageRestoration
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Select section Rozšiřující literatura
Rozšiřující literatura
Select activity Identification of archive film and interpretation of historical data” in READ; MEYER: Restoration of Motion Picture Film, 2000, pp. 53-68
Identification of archive film and interpretation of historical data” in READ; MEYER: Restoration of Motion Picture Film, 2000, pp. 53-68
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity URBAN, Miroslav: Filmová laboratoř, 2006.
URBAN, Miroslav: Filmová laboratoř, 2006.
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity Cesare Brandi: Teorie Restaurování
Cesare Brandi: Teorie Restaurování
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Select activity Elsaesser, Thomas: Metropolis
Elsaesser, Thomas: Metropolis
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Select activity Film Preservation Guide, The. Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums
Film Preservation Guide, The. Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity Read, Paul - Meyer, Mark-Paul: Restoration of Motion Picture Film
Read, Paul - Meyer, Mark-Paul: Restoration of Motion Picture Film
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity Workls in Progress. Digital Film Restoration Within Archives
Workls in Progress. Digital Film Restoration Within Archives
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity Zeman, Pavel: Idea filmového archivu v Čechách (Iluminace)
Zeman, Pavel: Idea filmového archivu v Čechách (Iluminace)
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select activity Batistová, Anna: Poezie destrukce
Batistová, Anna: Poezie destrukce
Отслеживание выполнения
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Select section Topic 3
Topic 3
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Select section Topic 4
Topic 4
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