O5- KARATON_pilot study_materials for data collection
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This section provides a structured presentation of all materials used to collect data with a Karaton Pilot study in our partner school (Zelenec and Poznavani). Those are mainly psychometric measures used to monitor the quality of reading fluency and reading-related skills to assess the onset level of pupils' reading.
Generally, where possible our teams used tests from the MABEL comprehensive test battery ( www.eldel-mabel.net ), for meeasures of attention and cognitive skills other measures available in Czech language were used.
This is how the test battery was administered: some test were administered withing a group settings, some test were administered individually to each pupil.
Group administration Individual administration Picture word matching -very early reading (Spojování obrázků a slov -MABEL) One minute reading - reading fluency (Rychlé čtení slov na jednu minutu, MABEL) Test of vidual attention (Test pozornosti) Phoneme awareness Phoneme deletion I. (Elize počáteční hlásky MABEL) RAN_ Rapind naming objects (RAN- obrázky; MABEL) Phoneme awareness Phoneme deletion II. (Elize koncové hlásky MABEL) One minute reading - reading fluency (Rychlé čtení pseudoslov na jednu minutu, MABEL) Attention- Numeric sequences (Číselné řady)