Section outline

  • Highlighted
    • The test contains 10 questions.


      9-10 right answers is A

      8 right anwers is B

      7 right answers is C

      5-6 right answers is D

      4 right answers is E

      0-3 right answers is F

      The grade you will get after reading by teacher, because of open questions.  




    • The test contains 10 questions.


      9-10 right answers is A

      8 right anwers is B

      7 right answers is C

      5-6 right answers is D

      4 right answers is E

      0-3 right answers is F

      The grade you will get after reading by teacher, because of open questions.  




    • The first part of M. Štoll's study material on the introduction to television.
    • The second part of M. Štoll's study material on positivies and negatives of television.
    • Your task is a brief essay on the positives and threats of television. I am not interested in finding out what TV programs you like / do not like, I would like to learn how you see the role of television / television content in the private life of an individual, including yours, as educated media students. I recommend focusing on two three phenomena, or one positive and one negative, and deal with those more in depth. You can be inspired by Study # 2, but you can bring your own categories.


    • Further material consisting of basic law frames of audiovisuality (expamples from EU and CZ)

    • Find on the Internet (TV broadcasts of your national television, Youtube, anywhere) content (sequence, show, part of a show) that you believe is on the edge of the law or even behind it. Include a link or attach a "clipping" and why you think there is a legal issue. Concerning some well-known case from your media environment, briefly summarize how the matter has been resolved. I would then like to share your videos or demos with other course participants.

    • Breif information on main principles of TV ads and relationship to the viewers. 

    • New tasks deals with advertisement. It is the main source of financing tv institutions (commercial ones). 

      Please - find a tv advertisement that attracts you somehow (positive-negative-by content-by form-old-new?...) and analyze it. The stress shoulf be on communication strategy of it: how is it done, why like this, why the people there, how s the product presented, in what time the product is shown...what kind of expectation you think the producers have etc. 

      If you cannot find a tv with the link (try to do some screenshots of it).

      If you cannot find a tv ad, but other audiovisual kind, it can be non-tv. 

      Thank you!


    • Watch any show that aired on public service television. (If you do not have such a television in your country, watch a BBC or other such television.)
      Then analyze this program in terms of the fulfillment of the so-called public service (as defined in the Study Material). 
      And then:
      a) Try to list which of the requirements the program meets and how b) Define one requirement that does not meet and try to define why.
    • Open the shcedules of two television channels you know (from your country of whatever) and compare some term (Monday morning, Saturday´s primetime, Wednesday before the evening etc etc.) - by what programmes the television uses there, what can be the connection/disconnection of it. Try to find the channels that are very different, or quite similar. Try to write in on-two paragraphs EHY do you think the television institution uses this programme right in that time and if you have any idea how to change it, offer another one from its offer.  

    • Create a short questionnaire - neither rating nor share measures the quality of the program. 
      It is always "only" about the number of approaches and viewers. Therefore, come up with 10 questions to find out
      the "audience satisfaction" research category. Make sure that several different characteristics of the program
      can be traced from the answers if the respondent answers the questions.
      (So ​​it's not a question: Did you like it? Yes. No.)