English. Academic English. Listening and Speaking Practice (for B2 level) - Zimní semestr 2021/22
Section outline
This is a one-semester course and is taught in English , only if there are some compliacated structures, the teacher uses Czech. Therefore, it is suitable for English speaking students.
The programme of the course:
The course is aimed at students who are interested in improving their listening and speaking skills (not only) in the field of the academic English.
The starting level of English is at least B2. The course is for those sutdents whose level of the language is such that they will be able to understand and use the English language.
The course will also deal with techniques how to approach tests.
1 x 2 face-to-face lessons
The work in the course is divided between the listening and speaking, even though both skills will overlap each other. The listenings will be in the form of audio-recordings and/or videos which will be followed with a discussion. One part of the lessons will also be simple speaking activities (3-5-minute talks).Credits are determined by active attendance (There is no exact number of lessons you need to take. However, at least 50% of the lessons are recommended.), regular preparation, 3-5-minute talk, final listening test.
Materials will be chosen from different sources, these will be available in Moodle (possible printing and/or working with the electronic version of the materials – notebooks, tablets; mobile phones are not recommended due to their small size. Some materials might be distributed during the lessons. These will be available in Moodle after the lesson.
Moodle will also provide you with the listenings if you miss the listening lesson, so that you will be able to participate in the follow-up discussion.