In this week we are going to focus not only on the topic of art, but it also deals to a certain point with history, sociology, politology, political correctness, psychology.
At first open the following page with videos and follow the instructions. You are going to watch two videos, the first one is a presenation by Titus Kaphar "Can art amend history? and the other one is a documentary "The Meaning of Monument" which analyses the monument of Theodore Roosevelt in New York.
After you watch the videos (go through the page), open the 3 exercises: 1) listening comprehension (multiple choice and true x false) - Can art amend history?; 2) listening comprehension (multiple choice and true x false) - The Meaning of Monument; 3) vocabulary (matching) from both videos. The listening comprehension exercises are not difficult, the purpose of them is to find out if you really watched the videos. The vocabulary exercise is supposed to enrich your vocabulary, so you should learn the words you do not know yet.
At the very end there are some questions to think about. Open the pdf document, print it and prepare the questions/answers for the lesson on 15-11-2021.