Videos: "Can art amend history?" and "The Meaning of Monument"
The first video as already said above is a presentation by Titus Kaphar "Can art amend history?". At first just watch the video (the link is bellow, just click on it and you will be forwarded to the website which is Ted Talks so you can turn on the subtitles. It is up to you how you want to approach the presentation. You can watch it without and/or with the subtitles. The video takes about 13 minutes.
Titus Kaphar "Can art amend history?"
Now after you have watched this presentation, you know that Titus mentioned one particular museum and one particular statue - the Statue of Theodore Roosevelt in front of that museum, and he also mentioned one question. This was at the beginning of the presentation and it was actually just meant to introduce the topic. However, as the question asked in this presentation, which was in 2017 by the way, is quite interesting, let's have a look at what is with the question, what is with the statue in 2020.
Click on the following link to an article and a video (the video is actually part of the article, but you also have here direct link to the video), the video is with English subtitles which will help you. It lasts about 16 minutes.:
Statue of Theodore Roosevelt - article (the title is differnet, but I don't want to reveal the title before you actually open the article)
Good. Now you have watched both videos. How do you view such art? What is your approach to it? What is your opinion on this kind of discussions? I believe there are even more questions that come to one's mind. So think about them.
You can return to week 6 (leave this page) and complete the exercises now and do not forget that there is a pdf document with some more questions you should prepare for the discussion lesson.