Encouraging Creative and Innovative Thinking in Schools
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This time you are supposed to create a comix in Makebeliefscomix.com. You will find all the instructions here. Send it to 31st October to petra.vallin@pedf.cuni.cz.
Do schools kill creativity? Watch the TED Talk by Ken Robinson and take notes into your double diary. Have your comments ready for the next session. Bring it to our next session on 11th November.
This assignment is going to be special. Your task is to meet with your group (we created on 14th October) and submit couple of missions in Goosechase applications. You will find all the information in the pdf above. The walk will be around 2,5 km long, it starts at the faculty and finishes at the Basilica of St. James. I recommend you to follow numbers of missions from NUMBER 1 to NUMBER 9.
This time you will explore your creativity through a land art project. It is completely up to you how you will approach it. You will find all the instructions and also some inspiration in this PowerPoint presentation.
This task is focusing on implementing Bloom`s Taxonomy in teaching practice. You do not need to upload this one into Moodle. Just bring it to the next seminar.
This time you will go for a walk and take photos. I would recommend the city of Prague (not necessarily the city center, because suburbs can be very inspiring, too). All the instructions are in this presentation.
Read this chapter from the book Creative Learning in the Early Years by Ruksana Mohammed and answer to the questions. All the instructions are described in this file. Deadline for both tasks is the 20th December. Please upload them to Moodle below.
Read the text Explaining Imagination by Peter Langland-Hassan (app. 35 pages) and write a summary (at least 500 words). Obviously, It is a good task for those who like reading a do not mind slightly phillosophical texts.
The second option is to choose a topic from primary school curriculum (any subject you want - Maths, Mother Tongue, History, Science, Integrated Project..) and create a lesson where children develop their creative skills. I am uploading a simple structure you may use as a support and checklist. You can incorporate ideas that were presented in the course.