Week 5 - 17/03/2021 - Unit 4
Section outline
In-Class (Zoom) Work:
1) Potential questions relating to the online work: Week 4 Unit 3
2) 1-minute talks - some of you will give a 1-minute talk (Speaking p. 31 ex.1)
3) Writing: First part of the feedback - Correct the common mistakes from the essays (see the material below)
4) Unit 4: Speaking pp. 40-41 ex. 1, 2, 3
5) Unit 4: Key Grammar p. 42 + p. 142 Present Perfect
Material for the Zoom lesson on 17/03/2021:
Please, print or have the electronic version ready if you are fine with working with it and a piece of paper which you will have to your hand.
On-line Work for Week 5:
In this week's online work you are going to practise mainly the grammar - present perfect. However, you are going to start a bit with listening. Then you are also going to work on your First Essays.
1) Unit 4: Listening Comprehension - pp. 39-40 ex. 2+3, 4+5
2) Unit 4: Present Perfect Practice - Key Grammar p. 42 ex. 3, 4, 5
3) Extra material: Present Perfect Practice - Present Perfect Exercises (pdf file) - all the exercises on the page
Have these ready for 24-03-2021 and also enter the answers into the interactive exersise at the end of this section.
Exercises for you to enter your online work:
Plese, enter the answers from the online work Unit 4 into the following exercise:
1) Unit 4: Listening Comprehension - pp. 39-40 ex. 2+3, 4+5
2) Unit 4: Present Perfect Practice - Key Grammar p. 42 ex. 3, 4, 5
3) Extra material: Present Perfect Practice - Present Perfect Exercises (pdf file) - all the exercises on the page
Please, upload here your corrected/rewritten essays based on the feedback you got.
This is due by 24-03-2021 10:50 am.