Organic food

Organic food

autor Kateřina Becková -
Počet odpovědí: 1

How popular is organic food in your country? 

Between young people in the Czech Republic becoming increasingly popular to eat organic food, or even more eat less meat. As every new generation we are tied by food prices. Every day question is between something in sale or what we want to eat in that moment. Plus, there is some trendy food like Avocados and other tropical food whose price is higher, but we see those everywhere. In past years we can see more vegetarian or vegan bistro´s in Czech Republic especially in Prague. In those businesses you have so many options what to eat you won't even think about the meat. 

Do you think people should be encouraged to eat organic food? Why? I Why not? 

In my opinion yes. Of course, the diet must be balanced, but it´s better to eat organic foot than food with pesticides. The best way how to do this is find your local Farmer and buy as much as possible from him. Eggs, Milk, Apples and so more can be produced at one Farm. Sometimes is it cheaper than in Supermarket. If we talk about Supermarkets, products with BIO on their packaging is not always 100% what they pretend to be and it is same with meat and for example clothes. Let's face it, steroid-laden chickens just aren't an ideal choice for anyone. 

229 slov

V odpovědi na Kateřina Becková

Re: Organic food

autor Eliška Humpolcová -
I totally agree with you! Eating organic food is popular among young people in the Czech Republic but is also true that students don’t have enough money to buy whatever they want. Furthermore, there is sadly a high probability that the so called bio products don't have to necessarily be healthy and without pesticides which concerns me a lot.

59 slov