Forms of learning - online learning

Forms of learning - online learning

autor Petr Novák -
Počet odpovědí: 1

Our distant learning on the pandemic time had a lot of advantages and disadvantages. I believe everithing give us a lot, expecialy online learning.

Albeit we spended a lot of time at home, our school duty didn´t disappeart, because everithing were moved to online wort. When online learning started, I was at last year at secondary school. Firstly, it was hard for me, when I must kept attention during online lessons. Despite these, I graduated on the same year.

Nowdays, online learning is normal in a lot of lessons in my school. My teachers have more abilities, they provide learning in combinate form – for studens are possible in school listen teacher face to face, or stay at home and listen teacher on the monitor. I don´t like be at home and listen somebody on my laptop, my problem with attention stay here.

But I like take some exam in online form. I am exactly very stresfull, when I must be in one class during exam face to face with my teacher. My speach is offen confused and I don´t able to say what I really know. Albeit I hate tests, because in my oppinion tests are very impersonal, I don´t nervous if I do some online test.

 Online platforms with school materials helps me every day. In the online wort are more exercises than on books. Thanks to I am going to prepare my skills to take my final B2 exam.

V odpovědi na Petr Novák

Re: Forms of learning - online learning

autor Michaela Ritter Konárková -
Hi Peter, thanks for sharing your ideas about online learning. I was glad to read that online tests can be a relief for students who suffer from stage fright and are uncomfortable in some social settings. I hope this blended learning course can help you in your preparation. For now, please accept one important piece of advice: whatever you write and publish (or post in a forum or hand in to your teacher) needs to be spell-checked. You can easily do so by writing first in a Word document, set the language of the document to English and all of the misspelt words will be underlined and suggestions offered. Also, you can download the Grammarly. app to your computer and it will take care of all of your online writing - something that I am using right now... Please do so before publishing your next post.