Online learning

Online learning

autor Markéta Vojáčková -
Počet odpovědí: 1

Writing – Online Learning

 It is generally recognized that digital technology expansion affects not only our environment and health but also our educational system. Ten years ago, lecturers nor students would ever have believed that one day they would be actively joining online learning. Nonetheless, due to the horrendous circumstances of COVID-19, we feel now, more than ever, acquainted with replacing traditional classroom learning with remote studying through electronic devices.

One of the benefits of the lockdown I experienced was better accessibility of the study materials our teachers used. I remember that before lockdown, there was just a pinch of shared slideshows or literature our educators worked with. This change in attitude towards sharing information helped students for instance with preparation for their finals.

Last semester, I attended one whole course online. We had to learn and go through the process of understanding the subject matter ourselves because the lectures were made up of controlling exercises we did as homework, which was, in my opinion, idle and lengthy. Although I prefer in-class learning because of the interactions I can have with classmates, during this course I acquired self-reliance and accountability for my self-studying.

To sum up, I need a sense of security when it comes to online learning. I prefer having easy access to handy study materials, links, and literature. I believe that the subject matter shared in the course should be available for students online. However, this might lead to copyright infringement or a decrease in students’ attendance in class in the future.

V odpovědi na Markéta Vojáčková

Re: Online learning

autor Klára Polívková -
Your point of view is understandable. I am totally agree with "self-reliance and accountability" part. Lockdown era brought us a new challenge and in my opinions, people start to getting used to the change at this.