Social networks

Social networks

by Una Sauka -
Number of replies: 7
How many hours a day do you spend on social networks (facebook, instagram, messenger, ...)? I am so busy this semester (school, work) that I have almost no time for being on social networks and I must say that I am happier.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Jeongsoo Lim -
I send time on social networks everyday about 15 minutes on average. It is less than 2 years ago. I feel I am interested in it less and less.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Anežka Januszová -
It depends on my schedule. If I spend all day at school, I do not have much time to be on social networks. On the other hand, if I have a free weekend, I sometimes spend more than three hours on social networks.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Marie Janečková -
I have done a very clever thing recently. I have set a limit on my social network apps, si when I reach it, the app turns off. This prevents mě from being on my phone moře than 15 minutes a day.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Jisoo Myeong -
I don' know exactly but I'm sure I spend my time on social network at least four hours. But these days I don't have any time for it, so I think it's really good for me.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Barbora Vondráková -
I spend about an hour on social networks every day. It's usually in moments when I am in MHD or waiting for someone or when I just need a rest from work.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Elizaveta Kolombet -
Unfortunately, I spend a lot of time on social networks, this is my big problem… I think it’s a bad habit, like smoking for example.
In reply to Una Sauka

Re: Social networks

by Jana Čejková -
Hi, I don't have any profiles on social networks. I am feeling free and I bet I have much more time than the others who have to follow on everything. I recommend to everybody :)