Hello everyone, there is no observation sheet here, but we all remember the lovely lesson on asking for directions and giving directions by Kačka and Terka, so we can still discuss the method. I'm going to kick it off by throwing in a few keywords. Let me know if you have different ones.
language functions
authentic language in context
group work
errors are tolerated, delayed correction
The lesson met many principles of CLT, and above all, it was built on using English in a realistic situation, with a clear communicative purpose (one that can actually happen any time).
CLT is also very much connected to W. Littlewood, who argued for more truly communicative activities in the language classroom (as opposed to pre-communicative ones, which are necessary too of course, but too often they prevail). Did you spot any truly communicative activities in the lesson? Which ones were they?
I look forward to your comments:)