

autor Laila Van Berge -
Počet odpovědí: 1

4. The use of coal underwrites the relations of power in the sense of bio politics and necropolitcs because it appropriates certain natural recourses. Whereby the natural recourse of coal becomes the property of the owner which gives him more power based on a biological product that contains and generates energy. In order to get this coal the owner employs miners, which are usually people from lower financial classes. But the mining of this coal is a very damaging for the health and body of the miners, for example it effects the lungs and besides working underground in the shafts is dangerous. Hereby the owner of the coal mine not only exploits the labor of the mineworker but also its health or even life.  As described by Betaille it is not so much just exploitation of the poor but scarification of the poor for the benefice of the rich. Besides the necropolitics and bio politics based on the exploitation of the lower class and the access to biological resources it also has this bio and necropolitical effect on a more mundane scale. In the sense that with the use of coal solar energetic resources that are build up over a long period of time are being used in a much faster pace than they are created. Hereby it affects the whole earth and ecology which (can) have big influences on the nature and life of the present and future generations.

6.    According to Yusoff the use of coal changes the conception or the …. of the anthropocene. In my understanding this has to do with the transition from slavery to coal and is highly affiliated with the industrial revolution. With the use of slavery people made use of human resources present at that time. Besides that people also used other natural resources such as animals and wind etc. but this was all based on current energy and thereby more or less in balance with the ecological system. The most common use of inhumane resources or energy (as I understood it) was fire, which is generated by the burning of earthly products like wood. With the start of coal mining people started to make use of fossil resources that contains energy build up over a longer period of time, hereby a disbalance in the utterance of energy originated which had great effect on the human impact on the earth’s geology. The eruption of coal mining went hand in hand with industrialisation and mechanisation which made the distinction between production, labor and energy even bigger. Thus the use of coal by humanity has a great impact on the earths geology and ecological system and is thereby important for the conception of the anthropocene.