improving your English interpreting

improving your English interpreting

от Kateřina Ešnerová -
Количество ответов: 7

In order to improve your interpreting into English, it is a good idea to analyze your own output, identify what did not work and improve it for future use. That is the purpose of this exercise:

  • Listen to the recording of your interpreting.
  • Identify and write down any clumsy formulations, incorrect collocations, structures copied from Czech, etc.
  • Come up with better, more natural-sounding English solutions.

What to hand in and how

Share your original and new English solutions with your colleagues by responding to this initial post. That way you can learn not only by analyzing your own output, but also from others. Share your answer by 27 April 16:00.


В ответ на Kateřina Ešnerová

Re: improving your English interpreting

от Michael Chlum -
  • Freedom of gathering – the official term is the "freedom of assembly"
  • We managed to escape the Italian scenario – We managed to escape "from" / avoid / dodge / the Italian scenario. If a company can't make fortune, it has to release its employees – If a company can't make a profit / make money, it has to dismiss some of its employees.
    • the correct version is "make a fortune", however, this is not appropriate either; "release" is not associated with dismissal
  • As a result, people become unemployed or they are afraid of being unemployed – As a result, people become unemployed / lose their jobs or they worry about becoming unemployed / losing their jobs.
  • The economic situation wasn't predicted to be bright even before the pandemic – The economic situation wasn't projected to be bright even before the pandemic.
  • The slowdown of the economy will affect GDP, especially if GDP is dependent on the tertiary sector. (...) This is something that we experience already, Ladies and Gentlemen, whereas industry and agriculture keep on working, service is affected most. – Economic slowdown will affect mainly the countries, whose GDP is dependent on the tertiary sector. We can see that whereas industry and agriculture keep on working, some of the service had to shutter. 
  • If this is just an interim thing, it woudn't bring about problems – If this is just a temporary condition / if this happens only temporarily, it doesn't / won't cause any problems.
  • If there is an economic turndown, it can have more severe consequences on us than the pandemic itself – If there is an economic downturn, it may have more serious consequences / it may do more harm than the pandemic itself. 


Focus on the pronunciation: economy X economic, deposit

В ответ на Kateřina Ešnerová

Re: improving your English interpreting

от Petra Konečná -

- most countries adopted drastic measures which even limit human rights and freedoms > most countries adopted drastic/extreme/draconian measures which even affect/infringe human rights and freedoms

- gain profit – release employees > bring in/make/generate/earn profit – dismiss employees

- the demand will drop > the demand will fall/decline

- companies would gain less profit > companies would make lower/smaller profit

- before the pandemic economy of the Eu was not that good anyway > the EU´s economy did not seem to exponentially grow even before the pandemic

- predictions for the Czech Republic showed rise by 2% > according to predictions the economy of the Czech Republic would rise by 2 %

- counrties will get in debt > get into

- the crisis will be most visible on the service sector > the crisis will mostly affect the service sector

- vicious circle will appear anyway > we will experience the vicious circle anyway

В ответ на Kateřina Ešnerová

Re: improving your English interpreting

от Lýdie Skuciusová -

right to gather = right to assemble

right to move freely = freedom of movement

take the Italian way = follow the Italian example

circle ehhh = vicious circle, Catch 22 situation

both of them aren't = neither of them are

suffer the biggest impact = will have to face the consequences the most

as we can see = [literally ANYTHING else, please stop me from saying this]

В ответ на Lýdie Skuciusová

Re: improving your English interpreting

от Kateřina Ešnerová -
  • tady ani ne tak "follow Italian example" (protože se tomu naopak chceme vyhnout), takže spíš "avoid the Italian scenario"
  • Catch 22 je dobrý nápad - je to ale myslím trochu méně univerzální než ten "vicious circle", tak pozor na kontext, ve kterém je to použité
  • místo "suffer impact" může být "feel impact"
В ответ на Kateřina Ešnerová

Re: improving your English interpreting

от Barbora Vybíralová -

restrict human rights = limit HR, diminish them 

right of movement = freedom of movement 

companies make money, are profitable = výrazy ok, ale redundantní a poplantané 

companies fire their employees = hovorové, lépe: dismiss 

they'll start instead saving  = slovosled, lépe: instead, they'll start saving

demand after = demand for 

lower debt = reduce debt 

government debt grows = increases/rises 

how situation looks = what situation looks like