Writing: Response paper
Požadavky na absolvování
Otevřené: pátek, 30. dubna 2021, 00.00
Termín: sobota, 15. května 2021, 00.00
Choose any of the materials that we have covered this semester and write your response paper.
Length: 2-3 pages (A4, Time New Roman, 12, double spacing).
1) Summarize the text/video you wish to respond to in one-2 paragraphs (use up to 1/4 of your work for this)
2) Focus on certain issues you would like to respond to (critically, enthusiastically)
3) Refer to other source/s when analyzing it.
4) Use quotes from our primary source and comment on these.
5) Make sure to use an appropriate style. Work with thesaurus.com to avoid repetitions.
6) Upload your paper in the moodle.
Should you need more time to complete the task, let me know.