Section outline

    • Task:

      listen to the ted talk and take-notes. Even if you think you have a good memory, it's good to take notes: remember, you're not only listening to have an idea of the content but in order to work on your language skills. Thus, please do the following:

      1) Listen more than once if necessary. DO NOT USE  THE SUBTITLES at first.

      2) If you have problems understanding, go back and listen again to a probelamtic part (with no subtitles). If you really don't understand, listen again with the subtitles on. Then turn them off and listen to it again.

      3) While listening take notes of ideas and vocabulary. Write down not only the expressions you haven't been acquainted with, but those that are not part of your active vocabulary, even if you have no difficulty understanding.

      4) Write 5 vocabular items into our googledoc.

      5) Prepare for the in-class discussion.

    • Please read the text and take notes/highlight passages that you would like to discuss. You can focus on the parts that you wholeheartedly agree with, but also on the ones that you would like to criticize. Remember to perform a critical reading - i.e. read as "a friend of the text", and "as the enemy". How does the theory apply to your experience?

      Language skills:

      Do not check too many words in the dictionary. This should be a pleasurable experience. Try to grasp the idea from the context and resort to checking if you do not understand the message. Should you encounter only a few new expressions, (depending on your language level), do not hesitate to check all of them. The total should not exceed 20 new expressions, if you find work with the dictionary strenuous.

      Please write down not only the expressions that are new to you, but also those which are not retained in your active vocabulary, yet you consider these useful.

      Write 5 new expressions into our googledoc.

      Think of at least 2 questions and 2 comments on the text. 

    • Please choose one part from Masculine Domination by Pierre Bourdieu or the whole Xenofeminist Manifesto. Identify your choice in the table in our googledoc. 

      Read your section, write down 10 items of vocabulary (unknown or useful) and include these in our document. Take notes, underline parts of the text - pay attention to interesting ideas, quotes you like, perhaps something that you find funny/irritating etc. as well as those that you would respone critically to - in general any part that might provoke your reaction.  If you are a stoic by nature and are not easily stirred by emotions, make sure to highlight most interesting/irritating bits. Be able to summarize the text with the new items of vocabulary.

    • Proceed as described above (for Bourdieu's texts)

    • Proceed as usual - take notes of content and vocabulary. Prepare for the discussion. Consider how is love studied in your area. 

    • Take a look at the guidelines, and the sample response paper.

    • Study these tips. They have been prepared basing on my checking students' papers in the Czech Republicm and thus the focus is on the certain shortcomings that recur among Czech native speakers. 

    • Choose any of the materials that we have covered this semester and write your response paper.

      Length: 2-3 pages (A4, Time New Roman, 12, double spacing).

      1) Summarize the text/video you wish to respond to in one-2 paragraphs (use up to 1/4 of your work for this)

      2) Focus on certain issues you would like to respond to (critically, enthusiastically)

      3) Refer to other source/s when analyzing it. 

      4) Use quotes from our primary source and comment on these.

      5) Make sure to use an appropriate style. Work with to avoid repetitions. 

      6) Upload your paper in the moodle.

      Should you need more time to complete the task, let me know.