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    Reread Bishop's 'Sestina' and Thomas's 'Do Not Go Gentle...'. We'll be focussing on how the two poems and their respecitve forms use repetition (verbal, sonic, conceptual).

    In Bishop, focus also on other repeating words and concepts apart from the 6 teleutons. What are some of the emotions communicated by the poem. How does scale and setting play into this?

    What kind of effect do the repeating lines in Dylan create?


    Read G. M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea.

    ·        Think about the play’s form, genre and structure.

    ·        Is the plot of the play linear? Do we find all the elements of a linear plot, i.e. exposition, complication, climax and denouement here? Try to identify as many of these as you can. Where exactly do they occur?

    ·        What are the characters and what are their constellations (relationships and groupings)? Focuss on the opening and the closing part of the play.

    ·       What's the function of supernatural elements - how are they used in the play’s narrative.

    ·        Think about the significance of the setting and stage props to the action.Do any of the latter have symbolic function?

    ·        Find possible moments of dramatic irony in the play.

