Osnova sekce

  • Preparation for the mid-term test.

    UNIT 3 and 4 revision - vocabulary, grammar.



    UNIT 3

    Obligation/necessity: have to/must (+infinitive]

    No obligation/necessity: don't have to

    Prohibition: mustn't (+infinitive)

    Advice or opinion: should/shouldn't (+infinitive)

    When you are SURE something is TRUE: must

    When you THINK something is POSSIBLY TRUE: may/might

    When you are SURE something is IMPOSSIBLE/NOT TRUE: can't

    Can, could, be able to (+infinitive) - ability and possibility

    UNIT 4

    First conditional and future time clauses + when, until, before, after, as soon as...

    Second conditional sentences: if + past simple, would/wouldn't + infinitive

    Usually (present habits and states)

    Used to (past habits and states)