Osnova sekce

  • Colonial beginnings: Anglo-Saxon North America

    PŘÍPRAVA (na další setkání):

    - questions pending from our first session:

    1/ What does the concept of New England stand for today? 

    2/ What exactly is said about God in the one poem and a piece of another, by Anne Bradstreet? What do (posted below the metaphor/s in the 1st two lines of "O Bubble blast..." mean?

    - read the ppt "North America in the 18th century" (posted below in study materials of this first week), prepare questions about anything unclear in it and/or comments about aspects that are worth mentioning in relation to it: The ppts posted on this MOODLE page contain basic facts and you are supposed to research them further...

    - read : “The Speech of Sidi Mehemet Ibrahim” by Benjamin Franklin. Prepare one question for the class about it - about anything unclear in its sense, in facts it contains, about possible interpretation/s. E.g. at https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evans/N20581.0001.001/1:34?rgn=div1;view=fulltext