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We will discuss Whitman´s Song of Myself
You find some study materials related to Whitman in this week´s section below.
- in "Walt Whitman´s preface to Leaves of Grass", you find some passages, which underline Whitman´s adherence to transcendentalist ideas. (You may look into any of the texts recommended in SIS: Cunliffe; Bradbury-Ruland; Elliot; Hart; Marcus-Sollors.) There´ s unbeatable optimism in Whitman, about America. This is not shared any longer by modernist and modern American poets who were inspired by Whitman´s all-embracing American poetic in the 20th century (see the ppt "Whitman and the Whitmasque Line"). However, in a commentary to this document, I added a link to Amanda Gorman´s reading of her poem at the inauguration of President Joe Biden: it is an extraordinary example of American-bound poetic optimism (though not "whitmanesque" in poetic style) at present.
Prepare for the next session:
The next session will take place on the 14th March. The topic will be The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I hope you will have enough time and be able to finish reading the novel by the time of the session. I supply study material (ppt presentation) about Twain and his work that can help.
Use the Project Gutenberg version, which will be easy to share in class: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/76/76-h/76-h.htm (SEE also the period illustrations in it)
You will again work in groups while preparating for the session, answering the 3 questions stated below, but everyone in a group will choose an identified chapter, or chapters of the novel to prepare a question for the whole class. Please, emphasize the relation of your individully chosen chapters to the development of the whole story and to its themes.
Questions for the groups:
- facts of life along the Mississippi that are depicted
- the effects of the narrative that uses the voice of the teenage narrator, in his observations, in the relation of various incidents and happenings
- The main hero(es)
You can use a Czech translation as a help for clarifying some more difficult content.
Please, write some summaries of the group discussions into the forum prepared in the section for next week.