Section outline

    • In-Class (Zoom) Work:

    • 1) Any questions relating to the previous week's work on-line.

      2) Unit 7: Key Grammar p.76 - Prepostions to describe graphs.

      3) Textbook Complete IELTS Bands 4-5 - Unit 8:

      - Speaking p.77

      - Reading p.78 - Introduction

      - Key Grammar p. 85 - Relative Clauses + extra material English Grammar in Use

      - If some time left, a bit more speaking practice will be done - Speaking p.82

    • Material for the Zoom lesson on 14/04/2021:

    • This is the material we are going to work with during the Zoom lesson and it is also for you to study from when working on the exercises (some of the exercises from this material will be included as well) within the on-line work.

    • On-line Work for Week 9:

    • This week's online work focuses again on reading, vocabulary, listening  and some grammar practice.

      1) Reading pp.78-80:

      - During the Zoom lesson we started with the introduction into this reading section. Now work on the exercises: pp.78-79 ex.4+5, p.79 ex.6, p.80 ex.70 - After completing the tasks enter the answers into the Complete IELTS - Unit 8 - Exercises from the online work.

      2) Vocabulary p.80:

      - There are again some words that can be easily confused (tourism and tourist). However, these belong to the easier ones. Look at the ex. 1, read the dictionary entries adn then complete the ex.1 and ex.2 - After completing the tasks enter the answers into the Complete IELTS - Unit 8 - Exercises from the online work.

      3) Listening pp.80-81

      - You are going to hear a tour guide welcoming visitors to a science museum.

      - Listen to the first recording: Unit 8 listening: questions 1-5 and focus on the exercises 2+3. After completing the tasks enter the answers into the Complete IELTS - Unit 8 - Exercises from the online work - enter only the answers for ex.3, i.e. the actual answers

      - Listen to the second recording: Unit 8 listening: questions 6-10 and focus on the exercises 5+6 - After completing the tasks enter the answers into the Complete IELTS - Unit 8 - Exercises from the online work.

      - See the recordings below

      4) Grammar Practice: Material English Grammar in Use

      - EGIU: U92 - ex.92.3 (p.185) - use the relative pronouns WHICH or WHO (do not use THAT!)

      - EGIU: U93 - ex.93.1 (p.187)

      - EGIU: U93 - ex.93.4 (p.187)

      - EGIU: U94 - ex.94.3 (p.189)

      After completing the tasks enter the answers into the Complete IELTS - Unit 8 - Exercises from the online work.

    • Unit 8 listening: questions 1-5

    • Unit 8 listening: questions 6-10

    • Exercises for you to enter your online work: