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Open course index
Gender, Nature, Culture
11. Nuclearity: Memory, Affect and Politics of Nonhuman Witnessing
11. Nuclearity: Memory, Affect and Politics of Nonhuman Witnessing
Section outline
10. Agential Realism
12. The Politics of Waste & Review of Concepts
10. Agential Realism
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Главная страница курса
1. Welcome to the Anthropocene
2. Thinking with Natureculture Entanglements
3. Queer Animals? Thinking Trans* with Nonhuman Animals
4. Nonlinear Biology and Sympoeisis
5. Queer Ecologies and Politics
6. Petro- and Plastic Capitalist Cultures
7. (Non)Western Ontologies: Querying Life and Nonlife & Midterm Review
8. Expanding the Human Sensorium: The Art of Noticing & Fieldtrip
9. Caring for Nonhuman Kin
10. Agential Realism
12. The Politics of Waste & Review of Concepts
13. The Politics of Nature: an (Eco)Cosmopolitan Proposal & Roleplay
12. The Politics of Waste & Review of Concepts