Section Name Description
1. Lecture 1 (4.10.2023), Brisku: Transnational History and European Contemporary History File • Kiran Klaus Patel, ‘An Emperor without Clothes? A Debate about Transnational History Twenty-five Years on’, Histoire @Politique, No. 26 (May-August 2015), pp. 1-16.
File Adrian Brisku, ‘The Holy Alliance... ’ in Paradoxes of Peace... (Oxford University Press), pp. 153-169.
2. Seminar on the Themes Above (11.10.2023) Folder Menclová- Reading

Jessica Reinisch, Introduction: Agents of Internationalism, Contemporary European History, Vol. 25, No. 2, Special Issue: Agents of Internationalism (May 2016): 195-205.

3. Lecture 2. Transnational Political Economy and Migration (Brisku; 18.10.2023) File • Richard Tilly, ‘Industrialisation as an Historical Process’, EGO. European History Online (2010); pp. 1-14.
File • Adreas Bieler, ‘The EU, Global Europe, and Processes of Uneven and Combined Development: The Problem of Transnational Labour Solidarity’, Review of International Studies, 39(1) (2013), 161-183. doi:10.1017/S0260210512000083
File • Ludger Pries, ‘Transnational Migration: New Challenges for Nation-States and New Opportunities for Regional and Global Development’, Report & Analyses, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1-22.
4. Seminar on the Themes Above (25.10.2023) Folder Menclová- Reading

Ondřej Klípa. "Disenchanting Socialist Internationalism: Polish Workers in Czechoslovakia and East Germany, 1962−91". Journal of Contemporary History 2022, Vol. 57(2) 455–478.

5. Lecture 3: Transnational Movements: Socialist, Feminist, (Anti-)Fascist (Brisku; 1.11.2023) [!!!LECTURE MOVED TO ROOM C123!!!] File • Rother, ‘The Socialist International’, EGO. European History Online (2010), pp. 1-19.
File • Lejla J. Rupp, ‘Transnational Women’s Movement’, EGO. European History Online (2011), 1-9.
File • Samuel Goodfellow, ‘Fascism as a Transnational Movement: The Case of Inter-War Alsace’,
File Braskén, ‘Making Anti-Fascism Transnational: The Origins of Communist and Socialist Articulations of Resistance in Europe, 1923–1924’
6. Seminar on the Themes Above (8.11.2023) Folder Menclová- Reading

Maud Anne Bracke, Our Bodies, Ourselves: The Transnational Connections of 1970s Italian and Roman Feminism, Journal of Contemporary History 2015, Vol. 50(3) 560.

Lecture 4: The Transnationality of Wars & Trauma (Králová; 15.11.2023) File Clark Christopher M. 2013. "Introduction". In The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914. London: Penguin. XXI- XXIX.
File Bourke Joanna. 2014. "Pain and Emotion in Modern History." In Phantom Suffering: Amputees Stump Pain and Phantom Sensations in Modern Britain. ed. Boddice Rob. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 66-89.
URL Gewarth Robert. Jan 2022. "Civil Wars: A European History". The Leverhulme Lecture at Queen"s University Belfast
File PPT
8. Seminar on the Themes Above (seminars individually moved to other dates due to the Brussels trip) Folder Menclová- Reading

Aaron J. Cohen. "’Our Russian Passport’: First World War Monuments, Transnational Commemoration, and the Russian Emigration in Europe, 1918-39." Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 49, No. 4 (2014): 627-651.

Lecture 5: Narrating the Holocaust as a Transnational Practice (Králová; 29.11.2023) File Shandler Jeffrey. 2017. "Narrative Tales Retold". In Holocaust Memory in the Digital Age: Survivors’ Stories and New Media Practices. Stanford California: Stanford University Press. 43-66.
File Marlow Jennifer. 2017. "Life in Hiding and Beyond." In Jewish Families in Europe 1939-Present: History Representation and Memory, ed. Joanna Michlic B. Waltham Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press. 110-128.
URL Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation. March 2021. "Teaching Through Testimony: Dr. Omer Bartov".
File Presentation: Narratives 2023
10. Seminar on the Themes Above (6.12.2023) Folder Menclová- Reading

Marcia C. Schenck. "A chronology of nostalgia: memories of former Angolan and Mozambican worker trainees to East Germany." Labor History, Vol. 59, No. 3 (2018): 352-374.

Lecture 6: The Material Practices of Transnational Remembrance (Králová; 13.12.2023) File Stone Dan. 2013. "Genocide and Memory" In The Holocaust Fascism and Memory : Essays in the History of Ideas. Houndmills: Basingstoke Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. 143-156
File David Lea. 2020. "Introduction". In The past can"t heal us: the dangers of mandating memory in the name of human rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-20.
URL Connecting Memories podcast series. July 2020. "On Memory and Monuments with guest speaker Prof Patrizia Violi (University of Bologna)",
File Presentation: Memory Dec 13, 2023
12. Seminar on the Themes Above (20.12.2023) Folder Menclová- Reading

Annabelle Littoz-Monnet. "The EU Politics of Remembrance: Can Europeans Remember Together?" West European Politics, Vol. 35, No. 5 (2012): 1182-1202.