Pierre Bourdieu. Masculine Dominaction - selected fragments
Please choose one part from Masculine Domination by Pierre Bourdieu or the whole Xenofeminist Manifesto. Identify your choice in the table in our googledoc.
Read your section, write down 10 items of vocabulary (unknown or useful) and include these in our document. Take notes, underline parts of the text - pay attention to interesting ideas, quotes you like, perhaps something that you find funny/irritating etc. as well as those that you would respone critically to - in general any part that might provoke your reaction. If you are a stoic by nature and are not easily stirred by emotions, make sure to highlight most interesting/irritating bits. Be able to summarize the text with the new items of vocabulary.
Klicken Sie auf den Link 'Bourdieu from Masculine Domination The Embodiment of Domination and Symbolic Violence.pdf', um die Datei anzuzeigen