Syllabus Culture wars in CEE. Important dates
Požadavky na absolvování
1. 07. 10. Introduction. CWs in Poland and Hungary
2. 14. 10. Culture wars in CEE? Trenczenyi
3. 21. 10. Culture wars, Kulturkampf
- 28. 10. National holiday
5. 04. 11. Moralising post-communism
6. 11. 11. The illiberal rebellion
7. 25. 11. Politics of memory - pres. Neilson
8. 02. 12. Politics of identity - pres. Sejdija, blorta, Terreau
9. 09. 12. Politics of morality – pres. Olátník, Trochtová
10. 16. 12. Populism and culture wars - pres. Vidal, Tommasini Erben, Miller
11. 06. 01. Final debate
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