3) Linkers - Linking words
Linkers or Linking words
In this section we are going to have a closer look at some of the linkers or linking words (words that help the reader and/or listener to understand a text because they tell us or comment what kind of message we are going to read/listen to, or what kind of relations there are between the messages, e.g. addition, consequence, sequence, contrast etc.). This time the focus is on linkers that introduce contrast. Please, follow the instructions on this page:
1) Find pp. 102 and 103 in your textbook Complete IELTS and listen to the following recording and follow the instructions there. During this listening, you will also be asked to go to p. 129 and find the passage UNIT 10 - Using linkers to contrast or compare. Listen to the recording with some comments to this material, so you might want to have look at that page as well. You can, of course, stop and/or play the recording as you like.
2) Take the material Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE - Unit 13c - linking words and phrases p.236. Listen to the recording with comments and some explanations.
4) Complete the exercises from the material Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE - Unit 13c - linking words and phrases, p. 237 / 1, 2 and 3. Enter the answers to the final exercise Complete IELTS - Unit 10 - Exercises from the online work