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volba strany: Grossmann jsou Sudety + agregovaná data; Smith jsou třídy a dotazník
Grossmann, Jakub, Štěpán Jurajda, and Felix Roesel. 2023. “Forced Migration,
Staying Minorities, and New Societies: Evidence from Postwar Czechoslovakia.” American
Journal of Political Science, January, ajps.12751.
doi:10.1111/ajps.12751. OBSAZENO: Matej I.
Smith, Michael L., and Petr Matějů. 2011. “Restratifikace České Politiky.
Vývoj Třídně Podmíněného Volebního Chování v České Republice v Letech
1992–2010.” Sociologický Časopis / Czech Sociological Review 47 (1):
33–59. OBSAZENO: Jakub V.
personalizace: první dotazník, další dvě agregovaná data se specifickými výzkumnými strategiemi
Linek, Lukáš, and Marcela Voženílková. 2017. “Strany Na Ustupu, Lidri Na
Vzestupu? Personalizace Volebniho Chovani v Ceske Republice.” Sociologicky
Casopis / Czech Sociological Review 53 (2): 147–180.
doi:10.13060/00380288.2017.53.2.304. OBSAZENO: Anna K.
Malcová, Karolína. 2012. “The Local Aspect of Electoral Support for
Candidates to the Senate of the Czech Republic.” Czech Sociological Review
48 (2): 283–314. doi:10.13060/00380288.2012.48.2.04. OBSAZENO: Ema T.
Pileček, Radek. 2021. “The Influence of Mayors as Candidates in the 2017
Parliamentary Elections on Voter Decision-Making in Czechia.” AUC
GEOGRAPHICA 56 (2): 234–247. doi:10.14712/23361980.2021.15. OBSAZENO: Filip
volební účast: první dvě agregovaná data, další dvě dotazníky
Kostelka, Filip. 2017. “Does Democratic Consolidation Lead to a Decline
in Voter Turnout? Global Evidence Since 1939.” American Political Science
Review, July, 1–15. doi:10.1017/S0003055417000259. OBSAZENO: Dan N
Kouba, Karel. 2021. “Where Is the Class Bias Attenuation? The
Consequences of Adopting Compulsory Voting in Austria-Hungary in 1907.” European
Political Science Review, February, 1–17. doi:10.1017/S1755773921000011.
Kudrnáč, Aleš. 2019. “A Poll Too Far? A Study of the Moderating Effects
of Obesity and Poor Health on the Distance to the Ballot Station and
Probability to Vote Relationship.” Party Politics, August,
135406881986741. doi:10.1177/1354068819867414. OBSAZENO: Martina M
Linek, Lukáš, and Ivan Petrúšek. 2016. “What’s Past Is Prologue, or Is
It? Generational Effects on Voter Turnout in Post-Communist Countries,
1990–2013.” Electoral Studies 42 (June): 78–90.
doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2016.02.002. OBSAZENO: Inna I
národní volby druhého řádu: agregovaná data
Linek, Lukáš, and Michael Škvrňák. 2022. “Beyond the Second-Order
National Elections Model: Incumbency Effects in Regional Elections in the Czech
Republic.” Regional & Federal Studies, September, 1–25.
doi:10.1080/13597566.2022.2116427. OBSAZENO: Vendlua K.
důsledky voleb
Rovny, Jan. 2023. “Antidote to Backsliding: Ethnic Politics and
Democratic Resilience.” American Political Science Review, January,
1–19. doi:10.1017/S000305542200140X. OBSAZENO: Kateřina P
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