Questions about the readings
Medieval inheritance, continuity and ruptury between the medieval and modern state
How did the middle ages influenced socially and culturally the Eastern European countries? (JOM)
What exactly is the „feudal patriotism” of medieval kingdoms? (KC)
How is it possible to feudalize a town? (KC)
Why did the basic characteristics of medieval monarchies to the early modern period not change drastically? (LG)
Resistance or Compliance/Cooperation
Why the autocratic power remianed weak during the early modern state period? (HQ)
Has there been a resistance from the local elites to the centralization of power? (HQ) /34. p. taxation by the Habsburg rulers. Why did the states payed this kind of taxation. Did these taxation ever been contested? (MacHardy – JPdC)
Were the nobles working together or did the Habsburg Empire actually divide them since they had different views in each region? (LR)
Why do we call the Habsburg state a „coordinating state”? (AB)
Economy and Political Bargaining
Did the Habsburgs change their law to change the „prespective” of their debts? (JPdC)
The lack of labour skill referred in page 17. by the West, was it influenced by religion? (Okey – JPdC)
Which are the implied duties of the estates? Subject status? (KC)
This split of 1054 created 2 worlds? (Catholic/orthodox, # language, # religion) But this splitting has influence for centuries and this until the XXth century? (1962-1965 Council of Vatican II.) The events of the 20th century are they link to that split? (MB)
What are the main military change? What are the consequences? (AB)
Did military operation improve during the Habsburg Empire due to more wealth/resources? Or did it remain the same because of local donations from local nobles and the church? (LR)
Because Austria is not unified, how works the army? Wars against France and the Ottoman Empire are completely different so how the army can do with that? And we never talk about the navy, probably because in that time it doesn’t exist yet, but we never talk about boats. But for the financial side, trade? And Spain use it? (MB)
Geography – Composite state
Why did the Habsburg Lands remain a composite state of autonomous territories for so long? (LG) /Why can the Habsburg posessions be regarded as a special composite state? (AB)
Why is the history of Eastern Europe grounded in geography? (LG)
As we can see Austria is a huge country (more or less among the periods), buti t is still divided (tradition, language, different person who govern at the same time. What are the main reasons for that Austria never realise a a sort of unification? At least political and religious? (Charles V.) (MB)
Its location is more a main quality or a constraint? (Because of the Alps, proximity with the Ottomans, a lot of neighbours (MB)
Nations, ethnicities, diversity
Okey: At that time (the medieval background) can we really speak about „nation”? Since when can we speak about nation and not anymore of people or why not state? (MB)
historic and non-historic nations of Europe? (Same language? Common history?) (MB)
Nobility/dynastic or family ties vs. administrative apparatus
In the 16th century, we change of dynasty, we change of dynasties, of time, we enter into the modern time. How the nobility reacted to this? What are they becoming? They keep their fortune? Their power? prestige? Their place in the society? Or they are totally change by this changing’s world? Do they feel the influence of the West? Families (nobilities) are the same? The distinction is the same? (MB)
East- West split
„It was a society growing apart from the West” – What were the causes of that? Is that link to the cessession with Spain? Or if they had other problems to manage such as Ottoman invasion or the rise of protestantism?
This split of 1054 created 2 worlds? (Catholic/orthodox, # language, # religion) But this splitting has influence for centuries and this until the XXth century? (1962-1965 Council of Vatican II.) The events of the 20th century are they link to that split? (MB)
German Empire
Why was the imperial throne so important for the Habsburg? (HQ)
„Wars with France”, „Keep in check the king of France” - What was the turning point between Austria and France? Because a lot of marriage happen between the two? (MB)
Miscellaneous :)
26.p. it’s mentioned that Maximilian I. united diversed lands, but after they were divided again by Ferdinand I. What is the intlness? (couldn’t read) in dividing lands? (MacHardy – JPdC)
Nowdays the majority of people consider themselves atheist. How can that happen that the Czech Republic has a past deeply marked by Christianism? (JOM)
This split of 1054 created 2 worlds? (Catholic/orthodox, # language, # religion) But this splitting has influence for centuries and this until the XXth century? (1962-1965 Council of Vatican II.) The events of the 20th century are they link to that split? (MB)