Announcement of your assignement on Text 3
Dear students,
hope you are keeping well and staying healthy in the pandemic.
We have no seminar this week as 28th October is a Bank Holiday
We will meet up in the live seminar next Weds 4th November 2020 at 2 pm on MS Teams.
Your task - assignment on Text 3 is to read the text properly and do the ppt presentation for me this time: Max 10 slides and 30 mins of your comments. Point out the structure of the text, main arguments and concepts you should notice, and conclusion, discussion and implications for current society etc. Use my ppt presentation on previous 2 texts we worked with as your template.
The deadline is on 10th November 2020.
You are also due to submit a short essay on Text 2 by 27th October 11.59 pm in Moodle file
We will discuss Text 3 in the live Webinar on 4th November. I won't do the ppt presentation for you this time but we swap the role in this task. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing your work on Text 3 in this form of ppt presentation.
Let me know in chat here or by email if any queries
Good luck with your work and
Talk soon again on 4th November
Tereza Brumovska