Organic food

Organic food

от Ella Hladíková -
Количество ответов: 1

How popular is organic food in your country?

When it comes to the popularity of buying organic food, I don't think it's high. It's certainly higher than before, and "bio" food is in almost every supermarket. But still, affordability comes first, and because organic food is mostly more expensive, people tend to purchase products not marked as such instead - whether because they try to save money or cannot afford it.

Another way how to access organic food is to grow our own. Many people have gardens and grow their vegetables and fruit. In my experience, it is very convenient, and my family and I grow various vegetables in spring and summer. However, some people do not have gardens, lack the time, or are not physically able to do gardening work.

With this in mind, I think organic food is becoming gradually popular, even though its accessibility is still low.

Do you think people should be encouraged to eat organic food? Why?/Why not?

I believe so because naturally grown crops are for sure healthier for us. However, not everyone can afford to buy or grow organic food, so this agricultural change isn't everything. The second part of this change is making this food accessible for everyone.

всего слов - 206

В ответ на Ella Hladíková

Re: Organic food

от Kateřina Kudrnová -
I agree with Ella's opinion about organic food. I haven't realised people are growing their vegetables. I live in an apartment, so for us, it is not possible, but we have some plants like parsley or chives. However, my grandma always has tons of vegetables for us in the summer - so we do not have to buy them in a supermarket.

всего слов - 62