Organic food

Organic food

autor Magdalena Kopičková -
Počet odpovědí: 1

In my country, organic food is quite popular nowadays. Many people prefer it because they believe it's healthier and better for the environment. Encouraging folks to eat organic food is a good idea because it can be better for our health and helps support farms that take care of nature. Organic farming doesn't use as many chemicals, which is good for the environment and can also mean fewer harmful substances in our food. 

However, organic food can be more expensive, so not everyone can afford it. Also, not all studies agree that organic food is significantly healthier. So, while it's good to promote organic food, we should also make sure everyone can get it and understands its benefits properly.

119 slov

V odpovědi na Magdalena Kopičková

Re: Organic food

autor Petr Novák -
I agree with Magdalena, that many people believe, that organic food is healthier for their organism and better for enviroment. Some of studies really promote that organic food haven´t god healthy skills. I assume, even thought I know some of people whoose like to buy organic food, people in our country are very skeptical to eat healthy food. Student some times like to eat, but organic food is expensive for they. But I expect, that organic food will be more popular in the future.

84 slov