Forms of learning - online learning

Forms of learning - online learning

by Zuzana Bartoníčková -
Number of replies: 1

Forms of learning                                                                             Zuzana.Bartoníčková

With the lockdown that happened due to Covid, almost every school was left with no other choice than teaching online. I assume that in those years teaching and learning transformed a lot. Many teachers had to get along with technologies and for both students and teachers this wasn´t easy. For me, personally, learning through zoom and online activities wasn´t  easy and I wasn´t motivated enough to learn on my own unfortunatelly. I did my tasks and tests online but that was it. Now, I don´t have many classes that I would follow online, but I submit tasks online and I do tests and researches. I have to admit I am not a really big fan of online learning but I understand that there are many advantages, and that we, as a society, are really lucky to have. If I had to name only one biggest advantage that online learning has to offer, it would be its accessibility. Thanks to internet, almost everyone can educate themselves. The only thing exept access to internet that we really need for online learning is motivation. I assume, that online learning can be almost as effective as a present learning, if the student is really motivated, can schedule theirs time line well and isn´t affraid to ask questions and search for more materials.

In reply to Zuzana Bartoníčková

Re: Forms of learning - online learning

by Michaela Ritter Konárková -
Hi Zuzana, thanks for sharing your ideas. I hope the combination of real-life interactions with some amount of autonomous work can be beneficial and assist your learning process.