Online learning

Re: Online learning

par Kateřina Kudrnová,
Nombre de réponses : 0
I am pretty sorry for those who did not have a good experience with online learning. I guess different schools had different goals and their way of achieving them. As a student at a business academy, I had to spend many hours doing homework I did not understand (because teachers supposed that we have unlimited free time) - a lot of subjects were based on “doing” (counting, writing…) rather than reading and memorizing facts. However, reading about Pavel’s experience made me realize that my situation was not bad.

I agree that if the teachers lack the motivation to use technologies and want to stick to traditional methods, the students cannot be expected to have a higher level of motivation. Because after all, a teacher is responsible for the student's understanding of the taught topic (some teachers at high school seemed to me like they wanted to somehow survive the lesson without doing much). So, a blended form could be a good compromise between traditional and online teaching/learning.