Bara CLT

Bara CLT

von Barbora Müller Dočkalová -
Number of replies: 5

Hello everyone, there is no observation sheet here, but we all remember the lovely lesson on asking for directions and giving directions by Kačka and Terka, so we can still discuss the method. I'm going to kick it off by throwing in a few keywords. Let me know if you have different ones.

language functions


authentic language in context

group work

errors are tolerated, delayed correction



The lesson met many principles of CLT, and above all, it was built on using English in a realistic situation, with a clear communicative purpose (one that can actually happen any time). 

CLT is also very much connected to W. Littlewood, who argued for more truly communicative activities in the language classroom (as opposed to pre-communicative ones, which are necessary too of course, but too often they prevail). Did you spot any truly communicative activities in the lesson? Which ones were they?

I look forward to your comments:)

In reply to Barbora Müller Dočkalová

Re: Bara CLT

von Šárka Michalová -

Hello :)

I am in agreement with all your points and take your note about group work.

I think, that the last activity concerning giving direction in real situation could be seen as truly communicative. If there was the elemnt of not knowing where the place we look for is, it would have to be communicated more (ask more additional questions to negotiate the true meaning).

I would like to present several of my notes:

  • supported autonomy of the Ss (coice over content, learning processes) - the opportunity to express themselves
  • cooperative approach (jointly achieved success in communication)
  • focus on both accuracy and mostly fluency
  • learners as negotiators (self-learning process = the object of learning)
  • the T as a facilitator


Thank you


In reply to Barbora Müller Dočkalová

Re: Bara CLT

von Natálie Kubincová -



I appreciate that you uploaded the keywords, because I liked this method and the lesson based on it. 

I have to say, that I agree with all points you wrote down and I had all those written as well. 

I was about to write down something similar as Šárka, but I am not going to repeat it. 

I would add some advantages and disadvantages to this method. What I really like about it is, that the context is brought to the desk and the classroom, so that the learners know, what they are learning. I really like that it is opening the classroom and bringing the context there. Also I would point that it is based on the function of the language and mainly the individuality of the students. On the other hand, I have to say that I am not sure about the point that the students are responsible for what they learn, because I do not know if all students would learn what they are supposed to. 

Some disadvantages might be that some of the teachers could say, that if he understands what the student wants to say it is alright, but then the students could have a problem with talking to a native speaker, or does not know the grammar. Some other disadvantage might be, that the approach does not focus on errror reduction but instead creates a situation where learners are left using their own devices to solve their communication problems. So they may produce grammatically incorrect sentences. 

I would also point out the distinguishing of real life task and pedagogical task. Group of learners who are regulars at speaking english and we know that they have to be in the playground than the task that we create is actually real life. The task that we practice with them is the one they can accomplish. 

In reply to Barbora Müller Dočkalová

Re: Bara CLT

von Adéla Nosálová -

Good evening,

I agree with all your ideas. I want to share with you 3 more key words:

-interests and needs of Ss

-holistic approach


I have quite similar key word: authentic language in context, mine is authentic real communication activities. I agree with Šárka and I must admit that the activity could be more challenging with unknown place.

Thank you for sharing.


In reply to Barbora Müller Dočkalová

Re: Bara CLT

von Nicole Betkowská -

Thank you for sharing your keywords with us. I would also like to add some of them, which I had in my observation sheet for this method and which I noticed they were included in Kačka's and Terka's micro lesson.


  • using of materials such as pictures, worksheets, activity cards
  • the T motivates Ss
  • development of macroskills - speaking, listening, reading, writing
  • meaningful communication


As you asked for the truly communicative activities in the lesson, I would say it was the one in which Ss are asked for giving directions to the real place (which the T says or then S to other S). The previous activities were rather guasi-communicative.



In reply to Barbora Müller Dočkalová

Re: Bara CLT

von Natálie Morávková -

Good evening,


First of all, thank you for sharing these points with us. I have to say that this method inspired me a lot. It is similar to Task-Based learning and I find these two methods really beneficial. I would like to add some key words which I have in my observtion sheet.

  • real-life context
  • risk-taking
  • all elements of communicative competence 

I would like to mention some advantages and disadvantages which I found in this method. The advantages of this method are

  • real-life situations -> authentic activities
  • personalization
  • the goals are always communicative

In my observation sheet is only one disadvantage - less grammar.