Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Michaela Hybešová -
Количество ответов: 20


I have prepared a short oral task about one of my hobbies.

I am looking forward to your questions.

Have a good rest of the day.

Míša :)

В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Jana Pilařová -

Hello Míša,

that is a nice hobby! Did you also watch some adventurous fairytales or read adventurous books when you were little?

Have a nice day!

В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Aneta Pavlasová -

Hi Míša,

I think geocaching is really nice hobby. 

Have you had the opportunity to look for caches in other countries or only in the Czech Republic?

Have a nice day! 


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Kristýna Michovská -

Hi Míša,


how many boxes did you manage to find already?


Heva a niec day


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Sarah Beránková -

Hi Míša,

I´ve been doing geocaching when I was younger as well but I wasn´t into it at all. :D I´m happy that you are! 

What´s the most beautiful place you´ve visited so far thanks to geocaching? :)

Good luck at finding and have a great day! :)


В ответ на Sarah Beránková

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Michaela Hybešová -

Hello Sarah,

that's a tough question. I have visited so many wonderful places :). Although I enjoyed famous and touristy places, such as Sněžka, I probably prefer more unknown and natural destinations. Once I discovered a hidden pond between fields near my town. It doesn’t sound like something special, but it was so unexpected and beautiful. It had a such relaxing and peaceful atmosphere.

Thank you!

Have a nice day :)


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Pavlína Šámalová -

Hi Míša, 

To me, geocashing is really interesting hobby, but there must be so many of them, that you can´t collect even half of it. What was the most dangerous place where you had to find your trasure? Did you made up your own geocashing place?

Have a nice day :)

В ответ на Pavlína Šámalová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Michaela Hybešová -

Hi Pája,

I can´t imagine how much time I must have spent to find more than 3 million geocaches :D. The most dangerous place where I found a cache was probably on a rock, where we had to climb, because we often slipped. Another cache which had terrain 5 was located in the middle of a lake on the island, but it wasn´t dangerous. If you are a good swimmer and not afraid of deep water, it shouldn't be problem for you at all :).

No, I didn´t. However, I used to want to make a new cache, especially a wherigo cache which is GPS-enabled adventure in the real world where you use GPS technology to guide players to physical locations where they can interact with virtual or physical objects. I had one in program development, but then I ended my project because I wasn´t sure, if I could take care of it for whole my life.

Enjoy your day!


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Cindy Siváčková -

Hi Míša,

I admire you being this passionate of some activity. Your hobby is really interesting. What is the most suprising thing you have found inside the box?

Take care!

В ответ на Cindy Siváčková

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Michaela Hybešová -

Hello Cindy,

the most suprising thing you can find inside is usually a thing which doesn´t belong into caches. Once I found money there :D. However, I am alway glad when I find a Travel Bug which is some item with a trackable tag. You are not allowed to take a Travel Bug for youself, but you must carry it from cache to cache. The Travel Bug has usually some goal or desire where to travel. Each Travel Bug has also its own 'diary' on official website that follows its movements. It´s nice to see how many kilometeres it has traveled, what places it has visited and if it reaches its goal. 

Have a nice day!


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Natálie Habichová -
В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Anna Wehrich -

Hi Míša,

Have you ever been on Geocaching at night?


Have a nice day


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Lenka Stieglerová -

Hi Míša,

It´s nice to think of geocaching as a treasure hunt.

What things do you usually leave in the cache?

Have a nice evening :)


В ответ на Michaela Hybešová

Re: Michaela Hybešová - What am I passionate about?

от Kristián Rut -
Hi Míša, very nice speech.

Geocaching is something I always wanted to try but never done it. After listening to your speech I will find even more information about geocaching. Thank you for that. :)
Are you only oriented on geocaching in czech republic or other countries too?

Have a great evening.