

от Marie Benešová -
Количество ответов: 3

 I found out that many young learners prefer to draw the meaning of the word, instead of just writing its translation and I wonder if we as the teachers cannot use their drive. Ss can create their own flashcards with words they found interesting. On the top would be the drawing, at the bottom would be the English word. 

Ss can later put their flashcards into a box and the whole class can play "What's this" game.

(If some Ss don't want to draw, they can use Czech translations instead of pictures)

В ответ на Marie Benešová

Re: Flashcards

от Martina Vomelová -

Dear Maruška,

that's a great idea! I think that flashcards are very useful when we are teaching vocabulary. I appreciate your idea that Ss could create their own flashcards - it could be very motivating for them. From my point of view, they would remember new vocabulary better thanks to their OWN flashcards. 

В ответ на Marie Benešová

Re: Flashcards

от Zuzana Davidovičová -

Dear Maruška,
I like that you try to meet your student´s preferences and needs. Ss who like to draw can draw, those who are not skilled at drawing can just write the Czech translation.
The game can help with the association of the new vocabulary (they see the picture, the written form and hear the pronunciation) 

В ответ на Marie Benešová

Re: Flashcards

от Anna Kubíčková -

Dear Maruška,

I think it is good idea. In my opinion it would be great if you (or we) gave te students an opportunity to work in pairs or even in groups and scan the flashcards. All the members of the group could then have it. There are students who would love to make their own flashcards but there are ones that would have problems with it as well. The game is a great way to use the flashcards even in the class.
