Using a dictionary + words around us

Using a dictionary + words around us

autor Martina Vomelová -
Počet odpovědí: 5

In my opinion, it is useful to show our Ss how to use a dictionary and motivate them to find as many unknown words as possible around us (on a trip, ...). e.g. I go to school and I see something in English on a billboard -> I don´t understand it -> write it down to a small notebook, find what it means. From time to time we would share our "vocabulary notebooks" :). 

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Re: Using dictionary + words around us

autor Michaela Červená -

I really appreciate this idea because I think that it is very important to tell/ show the student where they can find words, expand their vocabulary and also how to work with these resources so they can search for new words independentely.

V odpovědi na Martina Vomelová

Re: Using a dictionary + words around us

autor Tereza Selivanenko -

I really like this idea because I think it is important to teach Ss words of things that surround us. I also like the idea of small vocabulary notebooks and sharing of it in lessons, which could motivate Ss to work hard to have a nice notebook. :) 

V odpovědi na Martina Vomelová

Re: Using a dictionary + words around us

autor Anna Kubíčková -

I think this is a great way to motivate Ss to learn new important words. There are many words we use in everyday life but we do not learn them in school. This way students will learn words they will find useful and the ones they have not heard in school.

Hopefully they will not involve curse words in their vocabularies :)

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Re: Using a dictionary + words around us

autor Zuzana Davidovičová -

Totally agree, it is very important to know how to use a dictionary, especially for young learners and unfortunately, teachers usually do not show how to do it. Nowadays, children tend to use their phones and online dictionaries and forget what they have found right after. That is why I like the idea of "vocabulary notebooks". If you write down the word you can come back to it later even if you do not remember it anymore.